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Government Rebate on WaterDrop Reverse Osmosis Systems.

When buying a WaterDrop Reverse Osmosis you are eligible for a rebate of up 15,25% on the purchase price and installation up to a maximum of €100 or 40% on the purchase price and installation up to a maximum of €300 if your system has a reject water return.

Start your application here: APPLY

Full information below:




The Reverse Osmosis (RO) scheme is administered by the Regulator for Energy and Water Services to reduce the use of plastic containers utilised for bottling water, by reverse osmosis, reverse osmosis with reject water return and water filtration system. This scheme is funded through national funds and applies to private individuals (natural persons) for use on their residential properties, and for organisations that are not carrying out an economic activity.  


What you'll get

RO Wave: Reverse Osmosis System.

15.25% on the purchase price and installation of Reverse Osmosis equipment subject to a maximum grant of €100.

RO Recycle: Reverse Osmosis System with reject water return.

40% on the purchase price and installation of Reverse Osmosis with reject water return subject to a maximum grant of €300.



To be eligible, an applicant must;
•    be a resident of Malta and have an ID card as per the Identity Card Act or residence permit;
•    install the equipment in a residential premises which is not used by the applicant to carry out an economic activity or as an undertaking;
•    be the owner or an emphyteuta of the property or the owner of a long leasehold interest in the property (i.e. a leasehold term with more than the durability period remaining) with all necessary consents from the owner of the property. If the applicant is a joint owner of the property, the applicant is entitled to apply for a grant on behalf of the other joint owners provided they have agreed to the applicant doing so and will comply as necessary with all of these terms and conditions. The property must be used principally by the applicant or his/her family for his/her own private residential purposes. The applicant is not entitled to receive a grant if the property is used principally for business purposes, including the letting of the property on a commercial basis (even if the tenants' use of the property will be residential);
•    not obtain other grants or subsidies for this system or the same technology from any other schemes that include national or public funds such as Government of Malta funds. This applies equally to the applicant or any member of the same household;
•    not be applying on behalf of an enterprise and not be a landlord of the property where the system is installed;
•    provide the REWS with a personal bank account (which has the applicant as an account holder) to enable transfer of the grant amount directly to the applicant’s account;
•    allow relevant organisations involved in the implementation and control of this scheme including: REWS and national Authorities and Auditors to inspect the system within the applicant’s residence after due notice is given;
•    accept that the applicant’s data together with the eligible grant amount may appear on public documents or published on the REWS website.

How to apply

Step 1 - It is important for the Applicant to read all sections of the guidelines and the conditions attached to this scheme, in detail.
Step 2 - It is recommended that Applicants assess the drinking water demand of the household, to determine the appropriate type and size of the system required. It is recommended that the applicant should contact more than one potential supplier.
Step 3 - When the installation of the equipment has been completed, the Applicant should fill in the application of the grant scheme (request for reimbursement), including all the required documentation and submit to the Regulator for Energy and Water Services (REWS), online, by mail or personally by hand at REWS offices. Application must reach the REWS offices within six (6) months from the date of purchase indicated on the last fiscal receipt or by termination date of scheme as indicated on the Government Gazzette, whichever comes first.
Note that at this stage, the application is not yet assessed, much less approved.
Step 4 - Following the receipt of the application (request for reimbursement), from the Applicant, the Regulator for Energy and Water Services will assess the request for reimbursement and the details of the installed system against eligibility criteria in these guidelines.
In case of acceptance: If the scheme criteria are met and the application is successful, the grant will be paid to the Applicant by bank transfer. The REWS will use the bank details provided by the Applicant, on application. The Applicant is responsible to ensure that the details of the bank account are correct.
In case of rejection: A letter of rejection will be sent to non-compliant Applicants. The reason for rejection will be indicated on the letter. Any requests for review from rejected Applicants will be assessed by a Review Committee specifically appointed to hear objections from decisions made under this scheme. Applicants will be informed of the Review Committee decision.
Step 5 - Following payment, the applicant will still be required to participate in any audits that may be carried out during the durability period.

Documents required
The application (request for reimbursement) should be accompanied with the documentation listed below;

  • Copy of the ID Card or residence document of Applicant;
  • Copy of the Electricity bill, issued in the last 12 months, on behalf of the applicant, with residential or domestic consumer scheme
  • Photos of system installed
  • Photo of system’s rating plates showing model and serial numbers
  • Originally dated Fiscal Receipt, issued on behalf of the applicant
  • Copy of the Invoice including details of works provided to the applicant
  • Copy of the lease agreement (if available).