From the 02/09/24 to the 09/09/24 our staff will be doing the annual stock take and attending the IFA (Berlin) fair to meet suppliers getting more knowledge and training on exciting new products to be introduced in 2025.


Shutdown Dates:

Monday, 02/09/2024 - Tuesday, 03/09/2024 (both days included) - Annual StockTake

Wednesday 04/09/2024 - Monday 09/09/2024 (both days included) - Attending IFA


General information



Our website will be fully operational during this time. Orders will be accepted normally but will be processed on our return.


Messages on WhatsApp or Facebook.

We'll be able to reply to your messages but with a longer than usual delay. You can request a call back via messaging which will be done on our return.

Please note that our website has all information regarding pricing, stock levels and delivery procedures.

Please click here for delivery information and here for contact information.



During the above shutdown dates phone calls may not be replied to.



Emails will be replied to but a slower rate than usual. 



Limited pickups from our stores will be available on Monday 02/09 and Tuesday 03/09 but after those dates no pickup service will be available.



Fastdrop delivery is available for Monday 02/09 and Tuesday 03/09. Please choose "Fastdrop" at checkout. Other days no deliveries are possible.Any orders will be processed on our return on Tuesday 10/09/24


If interested in a product we recommend you order ASAP as last few days before shutdown are normally very busy and therefore we might not deliver in time. 


We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

RIBI Team.